Thursday, June 11, 2009

Handsome Boy

While Emma napped the other day I took Patrick's camera and snapped some pictures of Bryan playing with his train, a couple turned out pretty cute so I thought I'd share...hopefully I can get some of just Emma soon (she doesn't sit quite a still as Bryan does)!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Picnic Lunch at the Park

We enjoyed a picnic lunch at the park this afternoon with Nana, Boompa and Aunt Haley, a couple pics from the kids on the swings...

Hugs for Daddy

Bryan was sitting on Patrick's lap before Patrick left for work this morning and every time Patrick said "give me a hug" Bryan would fall towards Patrick and give him a big bear was too cute!!


A few pics from some playdates this week....

Early morning playdate with the girls who live down the street
Playdate with Gregory

The boys are just two weeks apart in age, they really enjoyed playing with each other

Monday, June 1, 2009

Lake Travis

It is already half way through the week and I am just now getting around to posting pics from our weekend in's been a crazy week so far!!! We spent last weekend on Lake Travis, celebrating Patrick's cousin's wedding (they got married in Europe three years ago and never really got to have a reception/party with family and friends). They rented a neat house right on the Lake and we got to hang out and visit with Shortall family all weekend. It was such a fun idea for a relaxed wedding reception (delayed by a few years)...the couple even jumped into the lake with the bride in her wedding dress!!

Bryan (with assistance from Patrick) attacking Emma with the super soaker!

Emma attacking Grandpa with the motorized water gun.

Patrick's brother Chris & his girlfriend Michelle with Bryan, they drove up from New Orleans for the weekend.

Emma and Patrick's cousin Meredith (I guess that would make her Emma's second cousin, I think?) Emma was infatuated with Meredith, she hadn't seen her since last year. We also realized that Meredith was Emma's age when Patrick and I first started dating, man time flies!

View from up by the house looking down towards the lake, as you can see the water level is way down...we heard anywhere from 18-30 feet!

There were lots of family and friends of the couple at the party, including some of their friends that came all the way from Europe. This is a pic of those from the Shortall clan that were in attendance.