Monday, November 30, 2009

The stats are in...

Bryan had his one year old well-visit this morning with Dr. Prater, he weighed in at 26 lbs 7 ounces and was 35 inches tall!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

phew, what a weekend....

I guess it was more like a week but I've been off work since Wednesday so it's seemed like one LONG weekend!! Wednesday was Bryan's first birthday...he got his gifts from Patrick, Emma and I and we celebrated with mini chocolate cupcakes after dinner (Bryan devoured his!). Thursday morning before hosting Thanksgiving dinner we meet up with my family for a bike ride/run at River was the first time we had both kids together in the cart behind Patrick's bike and they loved it!! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with our families and it was so nice to get to use all the fancy china and crystal that we've had sitting in cabinets since we got married over 5 years ago. Patrick worked on Friday and I braved a couple stores and Black Friday sales with the kids. On Saturday Patrick and I went to the Tech game at the Cowboy's Stadium with my dad and the newly weds (Lindsy & Juan). We had a great time, even though the game wasn't as great as we would have like, but Tech did win. Finally on Sunday we had Bryan's birthday party with family and friends. It was cowboy/western themed and we had a great time celebrating with everyone!! Now I'm ready for the work week and a little relaxation, sad that the work week seems relaxing in comparison to the past few days.

Bryan stuffing his face with a cupcake

We had a pinata all ready to go but it rained before the party so we had a improvise with a drop cloth under the pinata to keep the kids from getting muddy!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bryan is ONE!!!

This year has flown by...cannot believe Bryan is already ONE!! He never ceases to amaze me with the things he is learning and the friendly loving spirit that he exhibits. Having grown up with only sisters I didn't quite get that bond between a mother and a son, but a year into it I can tell you that there is just something there that you cannot explain. We did a little family celebration tonight and cannot wait for the BIG PARTY on Sunday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BOY!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lindsy & Juan's wedding, what a weekend!!

Lindsy & Juan got married this weekend!!! Here are a handful of pictures from all the weekend's events...I have nothing from the actual ceremony since I was part of the wedding party, and I have very few from the reception since I fogot to get the camera out until three hours in. Lindsy was SOOO BEAUTIFUL and we couldn't be happier for her and Juan!!!

Sister shot at the lingerie shower/bachelorette party
Lindsy, Mom and Grandma ("Old Nana") at the bridal luncheon

Heidi and Chelsey
Emma and Katilyn (the two flower girls)

Emma and Jaydon (Dondi's little girl)

Group shot at the bridal luncheon

Me and Bryan at the rehersal dinner
Emma at the rehersal dinner

The preparations begin...Lindsy getting her hair done

Everyone crammed into the bride room at the church, it seemed really big until you crammed one bride, eight bridesmaids, two flower girls, one mother of the bride, and three house guests/attendants in to all put on their dresses at the same time!!

finally remembered to get the camera out at the reception (and of course got no picks of Bryan in his cute suit, he had already left with Grandma and Grandpa to go home and go to bed!)

Emma looking pretty exhausted, two nights in a row of staying up past 11pm

Getting ready for the couple to make their exit

Lindsy and Juan opening gifts at family brunch at my parent's house Sunday morning

Mom and Aunt Anne with Bryan