Sunday, April 3, 2011

what a weekend...

This is our last weekend without Collinger (we pick her up on Tuesday :) so we had planned a weekend full of lots of work in the yard and lots of work on the new playhouse, and we spent most of Saturday doing just that...but Saturday night Bryan gave us the scare of our lives so plans quickly changed. We were getting ready to leave the house after dinner Saturday night and we told the kids to go get their shoes. Bryan had just walked into his room when he heard a loud crashing sound...we ran into his room to find his chest of drawers had fallen face forward on the ground and Bryan was standing next to it and escaped with only a "booboo" on his finger. We are still not sure what caused it to fall, Bryan has never tried to climb up it, or any other furniture for that matter, and he wasn't in his room long enough to have pulled all the drawers open to make it top heavy. We have every other shelf, cabinet, etc. in the house bolted to the wall but for some reason we never got around to the chest of drawers in the kid's rooms and they are solid oak so one wouldn't think it would easily tip over. So scary because it easily could have killed or severly injured Bryan had it fallen on top of him...and we are still not sure how he got out of the way. But needless to say his chest of drawers and Emma's were moved out of the house Saturday night and I refuse to put one back in their rooms. So Patrick and his handy carpentry to the rescue...he transformed the kid's closest so that there wouldn't be a need for a chest or drawers or dresser in their room. So if you are reading this and have young kids, please secure your furniture!!!


1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! So scary...sounds like he has one awesome guardian angel!!! The closets look great :)
