Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rainy Weekend

I guess it's a good thing it rained all weekend because we've all felt a little under the weather :( !! It was a good weekend to spend inside and hopefully start feeling better!! Here are a couple pics from our weekend indoors!!

Bryan has so badly wanted to sit at the table in the playroom with Emma when she sits down to color, cut, glue, etc... We decided to put him up there today and gave him a piece of paper and a toddler color, he thought he was such a big boy!!

Bryan doesn't usually hang out in the front part of house but I let him do some exploring this weekend and he found the front doors!

Emma and Bryan enjoying a snack (so funny to see the contrast in their hair colors!)

Emma enjoyed a couple movies on the couch...we tried to get her to watch Disney's Earth while Bryan napped but she asked so many questions about the animals that we had to turn it off because it was waking Bryan up!

Bryan showing off his "cheese" - he now says "cheese" and smiles really big whenever he sees a camera!!


  1. Yay for a nice rainy weekend! It makes us stay inside and relax. Looks like the kids had fun, hopefully Mommy and Daddy relax too!

  2. Hope you are all feeling better today! Great pictures!
